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leaning on the side of wonder

Beautiful Bombshell

Beautiful Bombshell - Christina Lauren

What I love about this series is that (for many of us) we know the roots, the origins, the history of the first book & the authors & these characters, but it FULLY delights me to read them AND be even more in love with the new material than I am with the original. They just keep getting better in my opinion. Yes, it's a lot unrealistic in the "How DO Rachel & Monica afford THAT nice of an apartment?" way - what with the private jets & villas in France & limitless lingerie budget. But that's just it - it's top-notch escapism at it's best. It's high-quality, well-written, thoughtfully-crafted smut and swoons and characters and plot. And while Bennett & Chloe will always have my heart, I think Mr. Stella & his Petal are my very favorite.